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Mozilla Firefox 26 Free Download For Windows Xp ,7 ,8 Pc

Mozilla Firefox is a browser , evolving and has an impressive catalog of extensions . The constant efforts of developers of the Mozilla Foundation paid and allowed to hoist Firefox in second place of the most used browsers.

A modern browser and attractive

Mozilla Firefox has gradually introduced features that have made it flexible and easy to use. If Firefox is not responsible for tabbed browsing , it is he who popularized . Since version 4 of Firefox tabs took place at the top of the interface and Panorama, which lets you group and organize tabs by group , made ​​its appearance .

Firefox also allows you to add your own search engines. To fill all users of the social network , the browser of the Mozilla Foundation recently joined a Twitter search engine . A handy feature for quick access to the thematic network of microblogging .

Infinitely customizable ?

Each navigates his way and Mozilla Firefox has understood . The panel toolbars Firefox allows you to organize , organize, add or remove buttons by simply dragging and dropping .

Firefox is concerned about his look. Firefox themes ( Personas ) , accessible via the package manager , are classified by categories : Abstract , movies and TV , fashion, music ... There 's something for all tastes and all colors. We appreciate the opportunity to preview each Personas simply by flying with the mouse pointer .

The catalog extensions, accessible from the module manager , is immense. These modules allow you to add additional functionality. Some of these modules have become indispensable as UltraSurf , DownThemAll , Video DownloadHelper , Stylish and more you will find here .

A powerful browser

All is not aestheticism with Firefox. If something has made ​​him win the favor of users, it is also its compatibility with web standards. HTML5 , CSS3 and the usual plug-ins like Java and Flash.

Constant improvements renderers (Gecko ) and Javascript that alleviate Firefox, have converted into one of the fastest browsers in the market .

our verdict

Firefox converted over versions of a reference among web browsers. The Mozilla Foundation was able to propose a browser more fast, efficient , customizable and more compatible than ever with current web standards . However , Firefox is overtaken by the competition in some areas : lightweight , easy to install extensions , web applications dedicated ... Many points in which his main rival Google Chrome (download here ) has the advantage .
recent changes

    Firefox 24 supports WebRTC technology to enable real-time communication from the browser .

Mozilla Firefox 26 Free Download
