The Freeware A touch brings the famous yellow slip of paper on the Windows desktop . When the equally famous and infamous yellow self adhesive post- it- slips of paper more than half of PC monitor have taped with important information in offices, suggests the great hour for A Note : The virtual counterpart of the yellow sticky note . Unlike his companions analog A note that is has some non -setting from hand to benefits. As for the first possibility would be to re size the note. It must cover a centimeter thick strips of the monitor to have it at hand only to their own phone number so not every time.
A narrow strip of doing it now , too. Second, the digital version for all notes with an alarm reminder . So you no longer have weeks staring at a piece of paper , the only important information is already in two months. In this way you can limit the number of visible yellow sticky note on the couple , their information is actually important. Fear of forgetting anything when switching from analogue to digital nature note , you do not have .
Just as usual from analogue post-it , and the digital A note is always visible in the foreground , no matter what else you do with the computer. The only way to remove a disturbing note is to move it from one corner of the screen to another. Office worker with big or perhaps even two screens are a clear advantage . Otherwise each list you can too - with demand - delete , which is the analogue throw in the trash about .
However, it makes no sense to look up after accidentally deleting the Windows Recycle Bin , if it is still there. Sometimes just simply better analogy . Conclusion: A program using the virtual yellow ballots can be fixed on the Windows desktop. For forgetful people a dream for lovers cluttered desktops a nightmare.
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